
We focus on a methodology used by the Canadian ANB Futbol Academy which develops its practices based on individual technique, group technique, coordination, and control to train our young athletes.

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Participants begin with a weekly course that allows them to develop their normal activities of regular study. This course is progressive and emphasizes all the terminology a player receives in a soccer environment in the english language

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With the support and participation of certified mentors, we have developed and continue to do so, a series of workshops, where each participant receives different leadership tools that will help them find their life purpose.

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Support Us

Your Help is Important

Today you can help us transform the life of children in need. With your donation kids in vulnerable conditions in Colombia will be invited to participate in the Futbol4Life program. 



Empowering change

We are a program created by the people at Athletes4Life, an organization dedicated to empowering children through the power of sports. Together, we strive towards a brighter future, guided by shared values.

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Current Programs



Fútbol4Life is a training program that uses three main elements to achieve its objectives. These are: soccer, English and leadership.
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ID Camp

This is a Talent Identification Camp for members of the Futbol4life program, participants of the WEEK-CAMP F4L and the public.
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Week Camp

Special camp where participants can experience the Futbol4life program intensively for a week -Mon to Sat, 4 hours a day.​
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English Course

In the latest addition to the program, we teach English to 15 children divided in 3 different groups from Monday to Saturday.
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ANB Futbol provides various levels of training for the soccer player. From level one instruction to the advanced Academy Teams Program.


Colombian brand that specializes in single origin specialty coffee. In Colombia, it negotiates with farmers directly and pays well-above mar­ket price.


Global seeks to spread a wellness program and consolidate the family as the main support group to establish the kingdom of God on the earth.


Saeta is a 100% Colombian brand. Manufacturers of sportswear: soccer, indoor soccer, micro soccer, athletics, volleyball, basketball, squash, bowling, BMX and more.

Benefits of Futbol for Kids

Participation in a team sport can introduce and foster character growth in your child, as well as provide for their physical and emotional well-being.

There are certainly a lot of sports out there to choose from, however, so making the decision of which one to encourage your child to take up can be daunting.

Enrolling your children in youth soccer will not only spur their development and build their character and skills, it will induct them into the community of soccer players around the globe.

Fitness & Health100%
Great Fun 90%
Team Sport80%
Enhances Motor Skills70%
Improves Mood60%

Help us Keep a Child Safe

By donating to Futbol4Life, you can help us:

Provide soccer equipment and facilities

Fund English language classes

Deliver leadership workshops

Offer scholarships opportunities.


Past Campaigns

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Join our program to practice, learn and the chance to earn scholarships in North America..


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Children Reached
Invited to Canada
Intl. Coaches
Years Serving

Help us transform the life of kids in need

With your donation, children in vulnerable conditions will be invited to the F4L program.

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